Shareholders FAQ

  • Retail Food Group Limited is a publicly listed company whose shares are quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: RFG). For more information please visit the Australian Securities Exchange website.

  • Retail Food Group’s share registry is managed by Computershare Investor Services. You can contact the share registry: Click here to visit website or phone: 1300 85 05 05

  • If you are a shareholder and have questions about your holding please contact the share registry: Click here to visit website or phone: 1300 850 505.

  • You must inform our share registry of any change to your address or other details. You can do this in writing or by visiting the Investor Centre website. For further information please contact the share registry:
    Click here to visit website or phone: 1300 85 05 05

  • RFG posts its Annual Report on this website, click here to access our latest Annual Reports. A copy is also lodged with the ASX (and may be downloaded from the ASX website). Shareholders are entitled to obtain hard or electronic copies of the Annual Report but must request these via the Company’s share registry.

    Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

    GPO Box 523

    Brisbane Qld 4001

    Telephone: 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia)

    Facsimile: + 61 3 9473 2555


    Copies of the Company’s announcements are promptly posted to the Annual Reports tab of this website following authorisation from the ASX. Announcements are also lodged with the ASX and may be accessed on the ASX website.

  • Level 4, 35 Robina Town Centre Drive
    Robina Qld 4226

    Postal Address:
    c/- KPMG
    Level 11, 2 Corporate Court
    Bundall Qld 4217